Saturday, March 1, 2014

Where Ya Been?

Where Ya Been?

Some of you may be wondering that about me! I knew when I started my blog over the Christmas break that I would not keep up with it as well once school started, but I didn’t anticipate exactly what a lousy job I would do!

In my defense, I started a new job three weeks ago. I had been at my past job for almost nine years (a record for me!) as a founding teacher at a small, charter school. I am now at a much larger school – the one my daughter will be attending next year. It was very, very hard to leave all the wonderful people I had grown to love at my old school, but I am liking my new job a lot. Of course there is a learning curve and I have found myself to be very busy, but I am certain that it was the right decision (even though it was a hard one to make). I am also taking classes to obtain my AIG (Academically and Intellectually Gifted) add-on certification to my teaching licensure, and that has been keeping me busy as well.
In the writing realm, I have not allowed myself to begin working on anything new until I finish two “open” projects. The first one is the historical fiction The Pirate’s Revenge that Heather Frey Blanton has helped me with so much. I am almost done with that and anticipate having it completely in the hands of my editor in less than a week. The other one is the audio version of Chop, Chop. Several years ago I hired the talented Paul Porter Jr. to narrate for me, and we are finally closing in on a finished product!

Once these two piece are completed, I intend to write Taken – another stand-alone companion novel to the Chop, Chop series. Then what I’m really anxious for is to write a new series that begins with the novel The One I Trust. The first four books are in my head and I can’t wait to start writing again and begin sharing these stories with you all. If I allow myself to write now, however, I won’t ever finish my historical novel or the audio book, and I owe it to the people who have helped me on them so much to get them actually completed!!

So that’s what’s been up with me. I have been very busy, but consider myself blessed beyond belief and I thank you for your prayers and love and support. If you have contacted me in any way and I haven't responded appropriately, please don't feel offended, but instead just try again. Things have settled down a bit and I hope I won't let things slip through the cracks this time. Many blessings to each of you!