Monday, December 30, 2013

My Views on Homosexuality

My Views On Homosexuality 

Why are you reading this post? Why in the world do you care what MY views on homosexuality are?

Paul states in his second letter to Timothy: For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Timothy 4:3)

Is that why you clicked on this post? Are you trying to gather around yourself a great number of teachers who will say what your itching ears want to hear? Are you hoping for an affirmation of what you already believe?

If you find out my views on homosexuality and discover that I feel the same way you do, you will likely nod your head approvingly and say “Right on, sister! Preach it!”

But if you discover that I feel differently from the way you do, you’re likely to shake your head in disgust and mutter that you’ll never buy another one of my books again.

Well here is a news flash for you: It doesn’t matter what I think.

I’m nobody.

I’m nothing.

And here’s another news flash: It doesn’t matter what you think, either.

Because, you see, all that matters is what GOD thinks.

We don’t get to decide what is right or wrong . . . God does.

Do you understand that if every single person on the face of this planet believed the same thing about homosexuality but God believed something different, then we would all still be wrong?

If you really want to know if homosexuality is right or wrong, don’t worry about what I believe. Or what your neighbor believes. Or your friends or your church or science. Don’t let somebody else do your thinking for you.

Worry about what God believes. 

Seek HIS will.

Read your Bible (and don’t just peruse it in an effort to justify what you want to believe, use it to try to learn what God believes). Really read it. Study it. Get to know it.

Get to know Him.

Be like Jesus.

You see, Jesus knew God intimately, and it is our job to get to know Him intimately as well. Jesus studied Scripture thoroughly. He knew not only every word of our Old Testament by heart, but He also knew what God’s intention was with each word.

Our job is to study the Old and the New Testaments and to try to understand God’s intentions the way Jesus did. To try to know God's will.

There. That’s what my views are.


  1. Beautifully written!! Thanks for sharing your heart and pointing your readers towards His!

  2. Amazing post. Thank you so much for writing this. It is true only God's truth matters and all we can do as Christians is read the bible and pray for God's direction. Then we just have to love people the way Jesus loved them. Excellent post.

  3. The Truth will set you free !

  4. Thank you for sharing this post again via Facebook!
